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Culinary Ambassadors - Norways Coastal Kitchen

Astrid Nässlander and Halvar Ellingsen are two top-tier Head Chefs who live and work on the Norwegian coast. They’re bringing their specialist knowledge of short-travelled ingredients and their own individual brand of culinary flair to our menus.
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Hurtigruten Norwegian Coastal Express Introduces Culinary Ambassadors

Hurtigruten Norwegian Coastal Express Introduces Culinary Ambassadors

Ahead of next year’s 130th anniversary, Hurtigruten Norwegian Coastal Express is upping its game even more. Not just considered the most beautiful voyage in the world, it will also be a culinary experience of the senses. Collaborating with local suppliers is a vital part of the company’s food concept, Norway’s Coastal Kitchen, and they have partnered with two extraordinary chefs with close links t
