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​Hurtigruten elevates the guest experience to a new level - introducing the tallest screen at sea

Technology will take the guest experience on Hurtigruten’s world’s-first hybrid powered expedition cruise ship MS Roald Amundsen to a new level. Her high-tech centerpiece: The tallest and most spectacular LED screen at sea.

Spanning seven decks and 17,5 meters, the screen will give the Hurtigruten guests a truly unique welcome when they step on board MS Roald Amundsen – the world’s first hybrid powered cruise ship.

- Our focus on state-of-the-art design, innovation and technology is not limited to the exterior. It also includes the interior and will take the guest experience to a whole new level. By introducing the tallest LED-screen at sea, we will bring – and magnify - the splendid beauty of the passing nature, to the guests inside, Hurtigruten CEO Daniel Skjeldam says.


Next generation green tech


Hurtigruten, the world’s largest expedition cruise company, currently has two next-generation expedition ships under construction at Norway’s Kleven yard. In addition, Hurtigruten and Kleven recently announced plans for a third hybrid powered sister ship.

Launched in 2019, 2020 and 2021, MS Roald Amundsen, MS Fridtjof Nansen and their yet to be named sister, will explore some of the most unique areas on our planet.

MORE: MS Roald Amundsen captain announced

MORE: Hurtigruten to power cruise ships with dead fish

MORE: Hurtigruten to offer first Alaska hybrid ship expedition cruises

The stunning scenery will be reflected in a modern Scandinavian design - with features spanning from the high-tech Amundsen Science Center, vast observation decks, an infinity pool, panoramic sauna, wellness center, three restaurants, bars, Explorer Lounge, aft-facing suites with private outdoor hot tubs, and the laidback atmosphere that creates the special Hurtigruten on board feel.


Beyond 4K Ultra-HD

The screen will be located in MS Roald Amundsen’s atrium. Facing the three all-glass elevators, it towers all the way up to and including deck 10. Featuring cutting edge LED technology, the screen will provide a resolution beyond 4K Ultra-HD, with perfect seamless and borderless display.

- With stunning image quality, the technology offers endless possibilities: We can use it to stream live lectures and presentations, to set the theme for the voyage, or just create a special atmosphere. But most importantly, it will be utilized to broadcast the spectacular nature to our guests on board in a format never seen before, Skjeldam says.




Facts – The Hurtigruten Atrium LED screen

Display type: Seamless, high-resolution SMD LED wall

Height: 17,5 m

Width: 6,5 m

Total screen area: 114 m2

Resolution: 6720 x 2496 pixels (more than Ultra HD 4K)

Pixel density (pitch) 2,6 mm

Light output: 1000 nits (or almost 3500 Ansi Lumen)

Manufacturer: Expromo


Featured content includes:

**Bespoke backdrops from stunning landscapes

**Live coverage from outside the ship, captured by the ships professional photographer with the most advanced camera equipment in the world.

**360 degree ultra-high resolution panoramic images from the mast.

**Live lectures and presentations from various on board venues.

**High-Fidelity sound “follows” the picture.


Hurtigruten - World Leader in Exploration Travel

Building on 125 years of Norwegian pioneering heritage, Hurtigruten is today the world's largest expedition cruise company.

Hurtigruten’s rapidly growing fleet of custom-build expedition ships takes modern-day adventure travellers to the world’s most spectacular destinations on our Planet - from the High North to Antarctica in the south.

Being the world leader in exploration travel comes with a great responsibility. Hurtigruten is enhancing destinations and runs an responsible, sustainable global operation. Read more about Hurtigruten's sustainability efforts here.

Hurtigruten is introducing the world’s first hybrid battery powered cruise ships, the MS Roald Amundsen and the MS Fridtjof Nansen. A third hybrid powered expedition vessel will be added to the fleet in 2021


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Tallest LED screen at sea
Tallest LED screen at sea
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Hurtigruten CEO Daniel Skjeldam
Hurtigruten CEO Daniel Skjeldam
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MS Roald Amundsen undergoing sea trials in the waters off Kleven Yard in Norway. Photo: UAVPIC.COM/Tor Erik Kvalsvik/Kleven/Hurtigruten

​World’s first hybrid cruise ship completes sea trial

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NAMED IN ICE - WITH ICE: Hurtigruten's new hybrid powered MS Roald Amundsen will be the first ship in history to be named in Antarctica. Photo: ESPEN MILLS/Hurtigruten

World’s first hybrid powered cruise ship to be named in Antarctica

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Velkommen til Hurtigruten!

Hurtigruten er et norsk rederi og reiselivsselskap som seiler den legendariske kystruten til 34 havner mellom Kirkenes og Bergen, ofte omtalt som «verdens vakreste sjøreise».

I tillegg til den tradisjonelle ruten tilbyr Hurtigruten også signaturrutene Nordkapplinjen og Svalbardlinjen. Flåten består totalt av ti skip.

Hurtigrutens historie strekker seg tilbake til grunnlegger Richard With og den første avgangen i 1893. I dag bygger vi på over 130 års erfaring når vi frakter lokale passasjerer, viktig gods, kjøretøy og turister trygt langs norskekysten.

Hurtigruten har over 2100 ansatte og er en av Norges største maritime arbeidsgivere og lærebedrifter. Vi samarbeider med lokale leverandører, serverer mat i verdensklasse og tilbyr en rekke utvalgte utflukter i samarbeid med lokale aktører.

Miljø og bærekraft står sentralt hos Hurtigruten. I 2009 kuttet Hurtigruten ut tungolje, og flåten består av fire hybridskip. Målet er et skip som kan seile uten utslipp i normal drift innen 2030 gjennom det ambisiøse Sea Zero-programmet
